About a month ago my daughter went to see the Dalai Lama speak at the University of Michigan campus. She said it was an amazing experience but the mantra she took away from it (and keeps repeating almost daily) is a simple one: "Eat outside more often, have more picnics".
A short couple of weeks later what do you know but about 450,000 Chinese families are having to do just that! Coincidence or karma?
Then comes along Sharon Stone, unaware of the Dalai's admonition, naively chalking it up to karma.
What horror! The world recoils in disgust. Her contracts are cancelled and her movies will never be seen in China!
Are you kidding me? Who CARES what Sharon Stone has to say? Why give it any print? And more importantly, why pay any attention to it?
For a full picture of the absolute absurdity of it all here is the link to the news story:http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=080529114629.g5r494wg&show_article=1
One thing is for sure; Sharon Stone is no Dalai Lama.
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