Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I'll be the judge of that

March, 2007
Welcome to my blog. Never being a diarist, I don't expect to fill this with day to day musings. But this is a wonderful way for me to purge all these things that are constantly popping into my brain. Love it or hate it, I don't mind. As Doug says, "there are no bad experiences, just good copy." If you want to comment please do. But try and refrain from doing what I see in most comment posts to articles and that is just calling people names. I would love a substantive discussion though, but as you might glean from my first post, beware, as I might get bored and move on. My only gripe about this format is that I cannot serve you an appetizer while you are reading it.
If I really get rolling, though, I might do something with recipes. Who knows! The google is the limit!

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