As a devoted member of the Christown YMCA, I frequent it at least three times a week and have done so for years; nearly 18 to be exact. My regimen includes a Saturday morning step aerobics class that has been meeting virtually the entire time.
Naturally, when you spend an hour a week together you get to know people. And when that hour is first thing on Saturday morning, you don't tend to get too dolled up, especially since you are going there to sweat.
Once a year in January we try to round up the class and treat ourselves to breakfast at the First Watch, a local eatery that has yummy and healthy breakfasts. It is our way of thanking Jim, our devoted instructor. Jim is my age and we have similar taste in music and often sing along to the older songs while the younger students stare. He is from Michigan and so there is that. He is a foster parent and is always bringing in new infants. An ex-military guy, he has instruction down pat. And he encourages our participation in things like the Strong Kids Campaign;our group has become a major participant over the years, bringing lots of resources to the folks who need the Y but maybe could not afford it.
Jim also works for the organization in additional to being a volunteer. When he worked at the Christown location he looked out for my brother-in-law Michael who is also a YMCA devotee, going even more often than myself. You may recall my post when Michael was the member of the month. There is no question that Michael's amazing come back from his stroke is attributable to the tremendous opportunity he has been afforded at the Y.

But perhaps the most telling anecdote about the benefit of the Y happened last week. A lovely young mother named Leslie joined our class almost a year ago. We learned each others names and exchange pleasantries. She noticed I was gone for while and upon my return inquired. When I noted we had been in Nova Scotia she seemed interested so I gave her my blog address and invited her to "read all about it" as I am wont to do.
The following Saturday she caught me at the water break and indicated she had read my blog and while she generally liked it she noted "there is something terribly wrong with it!"
Well, a panic ran up my spine as my mind was racing. What I could possibly have in there that is so bad? As I was mentally scanning the site she said: "It indicates that you are 52."
Snapped back to the present I replied "Well actually I will be 53 in a couple of weeks!"
"That is just not possible! I thought 42, max!"
Wow! I was blown away. When I regained my composure I let her know that I guess that is what 20 years of going to the Y three times a week will do for you. She vowed to remember that, having recently marked her one year anniversary.
Now, I do not post this story as a matter of braggadocio (you all know me too well for that). The point I think it makes is that when all these so-called experts keep pointing to diet and regular exercise as the magic formula to a healthy life, I think they are on to something. I eat like Michael Pollen says to: Eat food, not too much, lots of vegetables. I shop organic and right after my Saturday morning exercise I head to the farmer's market every week. I take no medications except the occasional herbs for my gall stone and hot flashes symptoms that just go with age, regardless. I generally sleep a solid 8 hours a night.
According to Leslie at least, it seems to be working. After our conversation I felt inspired. I hope that by sharing it, you too will find some inspiration to work on your diet and incorporate some regular exercise into your routine.
Or at least join the YMCA! They also have Bingo.
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