Luckily, at least for time being, I remain employed and given the lack of security in anything these days I am not taking any time off. Consequently the Inauguration was not something I witnessed in real time. By the time I got around to checking on things the crowds had dispersed leaving a big impression that added to my depression about the current state of human existence.
Aside from the complete state of denial that we are all in, and in spite of the moving symbolism of the maturing nature of the human attitude toward our fellow beings, the 2 million + who gathered in collective ecstasy were apparently so overwhelmed that they were rendered incapable of picking up after themselves. And to make matters worse many attribute the behavior to the lack of trash cans occasioned by the need for security from planted incendiary devices.
What a crock! What this miserable massive display points out better than any worka day example is that as a people Americans are self-centered slobs who presume that there will be someone there to pick up after them and give nary a single thought to the fact that someone has to pay for it.
This was not a foot race where one is expected to throw his cup on the ground while running by the drink stand. The cost of picking that up is included in the entry fee. This was the mall of our nation's capital where people came to revel in the idea of change and hope in gigantic crowd amid freezing temperatures. As Americans it is impressive that so many came so prepared to weather the wait. What is disgusting is that so many thought nothing of trashing the place as if the concept of trucking out what you bring is difficult to acquire on one's own.
We are a nation of over-expectant pigs who love to moan about what everyone else does wrong but are completely hapless at helping ourselves. I was feeling a bit sorry for Obama as the herculean tasks he faces are made all the more Sisyphean by the inordinately unreasonable expectations he has created amongst the masses that not only will he single handed cure all our woes. But I am absolutely sick to learn that in addition we all expect him to pick up our trash, too. Change starts at the bottom. Apparently we need leadership at the most base levels. I wish him luck.
Read about the trash here:
1 comment:
Kim, thanks for putting the link to my photo site and my sister's in your blog. I've been getting hits from your site. Thanks a bunch.
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