It is now clear that John Edwards is a liar. That, on top of committing the sin of penile dysfunction. Most men, when caught simply come clean. After all this is a symptom of ego maniacal -ism gone wild that is not uncommon in such circles. I do believe if it is not currently in the DSM it should be categorized as a mental illness described by the symptom of believing you are so special that the rules don't apply to you. Apparently for Edwards, unlike most men who get caught, he didn't blame it on an overdose of watermelon and move on. He is continuing to lie. This boys and girls, is proof that being rich is not a happy place to be.
Which brings me to the topic of how the general public views the media bias as more of a concern than the large sums of money that pass through politician's hands. The media was accused of passing on the Edwards story, proving once again that there is a place for the National Enquirer in our society. The real story is exposing just how big a liar he is. Maybe this was subconsciously known to the voters who rejected him. So now Edwards has another kid to be crappy role model for. Here is the link to the polling story:
Speaking of kids, It pains me to watch the Olympics segments on gymnastics, particularly the Chinese, but all are guilty of the same problem, including the US. These are little girls and they have been completely deprived of a normal life and a normal body. What is being done to get these children to these games is tantamount to child abuse. What is the difference between being held in a concentration camp and subject to hard labor and being held in a gymnastics camp and being worked 12 hours a day? I seen none except one would assume that the hard labor results in something of value being the result of the labor.
Which brings me to my latest pondering. Just what is intelligent or designed about this: If a calorie is a measure of heat and you have to burn calories to lose weight, how is it that during the period of your life when you have hot flashes you end up gaining weight?
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