My big news this week is that I am offically a member of the Board of Directors of Community Food Connections. In addition to running the Downtown Phoenix Farmer's Market, the organization's mission is designed to bring healthy, fresh, locally grown food to all populations, including the needy and school cafeterias.
Here is the latest missive about the exciting things going on at the market:
Dear Downtown Phoenix Public Market Friends –
an update for you on the parking lot construction for the Market
plus what’s going on with the Market Store
plus an opportunity to reach out to help fund raise – either for an end-of the year tax deduction, or a way to start the new year off by supporting the Market also.
As of last week the construction documents were filed with the City for the parking lot re-pavement and the shade cover building. They probably won’t be reviewed for a couple of weeks – and then if there are any changes we will have to make them and re-file – with any good luck, we should have building permits for this part of the project in 6 to 8 weeks. We can then coordinate the construction activities order the steel for the canopies – (it takes two weeks to get here) so we will place the order depending on when the construction team can get us on their schedule. Then, the construction itself is probably a 2 week process and hopefully all over by March! During the time it is happening – we will move the entire market out into Pierce Street to the south or over to the parking lot to the north of us – should be fun and exciting given the fact that we will have shade, visibility and electricity when we’re done…
The current tenants current of the building the Market store is to be in are planning on being out by the end of January. We are just about ready to begin getting the site drawings and construction documents underway – maybe to be filed with the City for expedited review by the end of January or early Feb. Hopefully we won’t have too many changes to make or back/forth to go through and can begin to get the little work we have to do in there done by March or April – with a move in / opening for May or June. We have already purchased some refrigerators, shelving and a freezer and bakery case…things always take longer than I think they will but hopefully the doors will open by July at the latest.
Finally, some of you have asked about fund-raising for the Store – operations and capital expenses - I have attached a letter (and copied the text below also) – that you would be welcome to use to reach out to people you know who might be interested in contributing to helping us get the doors open, plus have some operating funds till we start making some money. Since Community Food Connections is a 501 c 3 non-profit, contributions are tax-deductible, and it might be a great way to squeeze in an end-of-the-year deduction. Or a great way to start off the new year supporting this effort. We know that all of you are already incredibly generous with your time, and all that you do to support the Market – but wanted to provide you with something in your hand, just in case you know of folks who might be looking for a cause to contribute to…we will be working hard on all fronts to raise the necessary funds – grants, an appeal letter, loans, and whatever we can put together so we can do the Store right and make it a success. (Not to worry – we’ll still put 110% in on the outdoor markets also…)
So, thanks all, for all you do…
Let me know if you have any questions…
Best regards,
Cindy G.
Community Food Connections
P.O. Box 22216
Phoenix, AZ 85028
602-493-5231 phone
602-469-9400 cell
602-296-4255 fax
Dear Downtown Phoenix Public Market Fans:
Farming is hard work. Keeping farmers on the land and helping people have access to and eat good healthy food is just as hard these days.
Being a small business owner and finding a way to get a business started and grow it successfully is also a difficult task. Creating a low-risk low-overhead venue to support micro-businesses is an on-going challenge as well.
Yet the Downtown Phoenix Public Market, a program of Community Food Connections, is committed to ensuring that there are viable opportunities for Arizona farmers and ranchers to have an outlet for their fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs, flowers, meat and cheese, and continue to nurture their land so it can feed future generations. The Market responds to a burgeoning consumer demand for fresh and locally-produced foods, while providing new and alternative outlets for Arizona’s small scale agricultural growers and producers.
The Market also acts as a low-risk incubator for emerging small businesses, particularly those owned by women and minorities, that often can’t afford the rent a regular retail setting might demand, and it creates new jobs for neighborhood residents.
And the Market has established a vibrant community gathering place in the heart of our growing city – a family-oriented public space that celebrates the ethnic diversity of Phoenix through local food, crafts, and entertainment.
The Downtown Phoenix Public Market was founded in 2005. It is operated by Community Food Connections (CFC), a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. CFC works to alleviate hunger and create food self-sufficiency for low-income households through community and economic development. It makes the link between access to healthy foods and building healthy families by supporting local food production, distribution and consumption as economic and community development engines.
Our ability to sustain the Market and grow it as a phased project based on the gradual development over the next eight years from an open-air tent market into a permanent indoor/outdoor market hall and adjacent market district depends in large part on the generosity of a committed and caring community. Your contribution will support Market operations, including the next phase of our work: opening a 6 day a week local foods store in the building just adjacent to the current outdoor Market in late spring / early summer 2008.
For example, a gift of only $25 can defray the cost of an educational handout. $100 can help purchase shelving for the store. A gift of $500 would go a long way towards making some of the necessary basic tenant improvements, such as utility and lighting installation, new outer doors, or sealing the floor so it will meet food service standards. You could also help with an in-kind donation. Our needs include a lap-top computer, tables and chairs for the seating area and office, a bicycle rack, a 6 burner stove, a double convection oven, a picnic table and benches, and outdoor umbrellas.
Please send your tax deductible contribution to Community Food Connections, P.O. Box 22216, Phoenix, AZ 85028. If you would like to donate equipment or supplies, please contact Cindy Gentry at 602-493-5231.